Chapter 4 Videos Skip to main content

Chapter 4 Videos


4.7 Calculating Factor Loadings
- prereqs: videos 3.37, 3.38, 3.40

4.8 Demo of a Complete Factor Analysis
- prereqs: videos 3.2, 3.8, 3.9, 3.12, 3.37, 4.7

4.8S1 - Stata - Demo of Factor Analysis
- This is a supplement to video 4.8

4.8S2 - SPSS - Demo of Factor Analysis
- This is a supplement to video 4.8

4.8S3 - SAS - Demo of Factor Analysis
- This is a supplement to video 4.8

4.9 Three Types of Eigenvectors in Factor Analysis
- prereqs: videos 4.8

4.10 Factor Scores Demo
- prereqs: videos 4.9

4.11 Factor Analysis and Factor Scores for Data with Rank of 2
- prereq: video 4.10

4.12 Factor Analysis as Data Transformation (*not yet available*)

4.13 Principal Components Analysis
- prereqs: videos 4.8, 4.11
4.14 PCA - Figures 4.4-4.6 Explanations
- prereq: video 4.13
4.15 PCA - Figure 4.7 and Table 4.8 Explanations
- prereq: video 4.14
4.16.1 Demo of Principal Components - Stata
- prereqs: videos 4.8, 4.8S1, 4.15
4.16.2 Demo of Principal Components - SPSS
- prereqs: videos 4.8, 4.8S2, 4.15
4.16.3 Demo of Principal Components - SAS
- prereqs: videos 4.8, 4.8S3, 4.15
4.17 Centered Component Scores
- prereq: video 4.13
4.18 Figure 4.8 Explanation
- prereq: video 4.15
4.19 Review of Major Equations for PCA
- prereqs: videos 4.12, 4.15, 4.17