Chapter 3 Videos
3.2 Matrix Addition and Subtraction
3.2S1 - Stata - Addition and Subtraction
3.3S1 - Stata - Scalar Multiplication
3.4S1 - Stata - Transpose of a Matrix
3.5 Simple Matrix Multiplication
3.5S1 - Stata - Simple Matrix Multiplication
3.6S1 - Stata - Matrix Multiplication
3.7 Multiplying a Vector by its Transpose (Dot Products and Matrix Products)
3.7S1 - Stata - Multiplying a Vector by its Transpose (Dot Products and matrix Products)
3.9.1 Division by a Scalar - prereq: video 3.6
3.9.1S1 - Stata - Division by a Scalar - This is a supplement to video 3.9.1
3.9.2 Getting a Covariance Matrix - prereq: video 3.9.1
3.9.2S1 - Stata - Getting a Covariance Matrix - This is a supplement to video 3.9.2
3.10 Symmetric Martix - prereq: video 3.6
3.10S1 - Stata - Symmetric Matrix - This is a supplement to video 3.10
3.11 Diagonal Matrix - prereq: video 3.6
3.11S1 - Stata - Diagonal Matrix - This is a supplement to video 3.11
3.12 Standardizing and Correlation Matrices - prereqs: videos 3.9.2, 3.11
3.12S1 - Stata - Standardizing and Correlation Matrices - This is a supplement to video 3.12
3.13 Identity Matrix - prereq: video 3.6
3.14 J Matrix - prereq: video 3.6
3.15 Using a J Matrix to Create Deviation Scores - prereqs: videos 3.2, 3.14
3.15S1 - Stata - Using a J Matrix to Create Deviation Scores - This is a supplement to video 3.15
3.16 Centering Matrix - prereq: video 3.15
3.16S1 - Stata - Cenering Matrix - This is a supplement to video 3.16
3.17 Idempotent Matrix - prereq: video 3.16
3.17S1 - Stata - Idempotent Matrix - This is a supplement to video 3.18
3.18 Obtaining Covariance Matrices Using I and J - prereqs: Chapter 2 pp. 31-33; videos 3.8, 3.17
3.18S1 - Stata - Obtaining Covariance Matrices Using I and J - This is a supplement to video 3.18
3.19 Summary of Principles to Cov and Corr Matrices - prereqs: videos 3.12, 3.18
3.21 Adjoined Matrices
- prereq: video 3.3
3.21S1 - Stata - Adjoined Matrices
- This is a supplement to video 3.21
3.22 Partitioned Matrices
- prereqs: videos 3.4, 3.6, 3.21
3.23 Triangular Square Root Matrices
- prereqs: videos 3.4, 3.6
3.23S1 - Stata - Triangular Square Root Matrices
- This is a supplement to video 3.23
3.25 The Bent Diagonals Method
- prereq: video 3.24
3.26 The Matrix Extension Method
- prereq: video 3.24
3.27 The Method of Cofactors
- prereq: video 3.24
3.28 The Trace and the Determinant of a Covariace Matrix
- prereqs: videos 3.20, 3.24
3.28s Continuation of 3.28
- This is a continuation of video 3.28
3.28S1 - Stata - The Trace of a Covariance Matrix
- This is a supplement to video 3.28
3.29 Introduction to Matrix Inversion
- prereqs: videos 3.13, 3.24
3.29S1 - Stata - Matrix Inversion
- This is a supplement to video 3.29
3.30 Matrix Inversion by the Method of Cofactors
- prereqs: videos 3.6, 3.21, 3.26, 3.27, 3.29
3.31 Matrix Inversion by the Cholesky Method
- prereqs: videos 3.23, 3.30
3.32 Rank of a Matrix
- prereq: video 3.24
3.33 Orthogonal Vectors and Matrices
- prereq: video 3.6
3.33S1 - Stata - Orthogonal Vectors and Matrices
- This is a supplement to video 3.33
3.34 Quadratic Forms
- prereqs: videos 3.9, 3.18
3.35 Bilinear Forms
3.36 Covariance Matrix Transformation (*not yet available*)
- prereq: video 3.35
3.37 Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
- prereqs: videos 3.6, 3.32
3.37S1 - Stata - Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
- This is a supplement to video 3.37
3.38 Spectral Decomposition
- prereqs: videos 3.30, 3.37
3.39 Triangular Decomposition
- prereqs: videos 3.23, 3.38
3.40 Normalization of a Vector
- prereq: video 3.1